The Bled - Frances McCue


The Bled - Frances McCue


Perfect-bound. 64 pp, 5.5 x 7.5 in
ISBN 0-9840698-5-9
Publication date: 2010

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“Frances McCue’s book is the most moving account of a spouse’s death I have ever read. While living abroad in Morocco he died suddenly, and the aftermath of that event is detailed here with astonishment and heart-rung love”—James Tate.

“THE BLED is a cleared-eyed, ruthless, beautiful, terrible look at what it is to find love and to lose it, to be knocked around by death and grief, to wonder how you can go on living”—Rebecca Brown.

Frances McCue is a poet and prose writer who lives in Seattle, WA. A Public Scholar, McCue is Writer in Residence and Lecturer in the Honors Program at the University of Washington. From 1996 to 2006 she directed Seattle’s Richard Hugo House, a literary center which she co-founded. In 2010, her book about Richard Hugo and Northwest towns, The Car That Brought You Here Still Runs, came out from the University of Washington Press. Beacon Press published The Stenographer’s Breakfast, her first book of poems.