Russian Novels - Luke Bloomfield

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Russian Novels - Luke Bloomfield


Perfect-bound. 64 pp, 6.25 x 7.5 in
ISBN 978-0-9795905-5-9
Publication Date: April, 2014

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From Russian Novels:


Who licked all the envelopes?
In 17 years I have never seen so many wasted
envelopes. One could say this is the result of formal
education. One could say one is asserting one’s
right to better functioning systems.
But this is not a lesson in brutality.
This is a variation on what everyone believes,
parallel to what everyone thinks.
No one foresaw the barista meltdown,
so when it was over and we had all clinked our cups
many times at sunrise, it was with an enormous bee
in each of our hearts and one tiny shared heart for all the bees.

Luke Bloomfield lives in Northampton, MA. Russian Novels is his first book.