Crash Dome - Alex Phillips


Crash Dome - Alex Phillips


Perfect-bound. 63 pp, 5.5 x 7.5 in
ISBN 0-9840698-5-2
Publication date: 2010

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“That from the twenty-six letters of our alphabet this book could be born is a miracle, a heartbreakingly glorious one that demands it be read, and talked about, and marveled over, and, like all true miracles, doesn’t give a damn if it isn’t” —Mary Ruefle.

Alex Phillips is an Assistant Professor and Director of Assessment and Curriculum Development at Commonwealth College, the honors college at the University of Massachusetts. His poetry and translations have appeared in journals such as Poetry, Open City, and jubilat, and in Ted Kooser’s newspaper column American Life in Poetry. His book-length poem, CRASH DOME, is published by Factory Hollow Press.